Light flooding. Budgewoi June 2011

Noela Place lakeside reserve Budgewoi. This picnic table spends a lot of time under water

Noela Place lakeside reserve Budgewoi. This picnic table spends a lot of time under water

There are grim warnings of more heavy weather and possible increases in flood levels right up this part of the coast. And then there weren’t. One radio commenter came on and stated the weather pattern was breaking up and only light falls would be felt from here on in.

The commenter before that told us of some areas north of here are being formally identified as natural disaster zones . That one warned of increasing rain in some areas and repeated the warning in which this part of the coast is facing the danger of medium to heavy flooding.

When the weather gets nasty like this the whole area changes and, not only is it raw and cold and gusty, it is also amazing and beautiful. I did not see many photographers when I went about taking these images but there were people sitting about in their car anywhere there was something to be seen. When the winds drop and the sun comes out they cruise about the beaches and lakes enjoying the majesty of ravaged landscapes. I suspect the lack of competing photographers in my little orbit may be because we are surrounded by so much breathtaking imagery in the sea cliffs and beaches and lakes that this little corner is overlooked.

Most of the bikes paths are underwater somewhere along their length. The boat ramp is well underwater and as almost all the reserves and parks are along the lakes they too are waterlogged.

This is what happens when Budgewoi gets hit by light flooding. The homes affected are largely used to being inundated in a small way although I didn’t see any actual homes directly affected. Many of houses along the channel and lakefront have water at their front or rear steps and into the yards but provided the rain doesn’t get any more intense it may be alright.

I am stopping myself from suggesting all is well. Most of the coast is still under warning. Unusual high tides, heavy rain, off-shore winds and well-soaked ground were the conditions that created the 2007 floods. It was pleasant to get out into the gusting winds and grab a few images though.. Anyway, be it light or low level flooding at Budgewoi it looks like this.

Budgewoi Point Wharf

Budgewoi Point Wharf

The poor pelicans in the picture of Budgewoi Point Wharf are huddled against sharp gusting winds and waves. The wharf has at least one other level joined to the one you can see here and also a flight of stairs. If you saw the image on the page before you will see the wharf is still showing more structure above the water than back in 2007 and that was days after the floods started receding.

Budgewoi Sailing Club on the shores of Lake Munmorah

Budgewoi Sailing Club on the shores of Lake Munmorah

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