by degrees

The tribunal was yesterday. It was a terrifying and exhausting experience which I understandshould not be revealed beyond the walls of the tribunal so I will limit myself to the following s within the tribunal. Aged Disability Support Services case manager Yvonne was a stalwart who stood for me when my health and ability to think were crashed. The Ray White staffer was relentless. Her orders were to have me put out next day. The Tribunal itself seemed to work at levels I had not expected and they saw through a lot of the anger and vanity and gave us all a months adjournment.

I am still, unbelievably, fighting terrible skeletal and tissue damage to my chest and shoulder and back caused by the the attack by those fire brigade guys. I have to write a begging letter to my doctor this morning. There must be something someone can do rather than just leaving me in agony with my head on the chopping block! The tribunal gave us a month and if, after that, I have to get out of here, I still will be too unwell to function AT ALL. It is terrifying. What I wanted to do was work on art stuff in my final days. Now I have to fight excruciation pain and give my time to surviving this vindictive estate agent

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