Delivering the drawings

Budgewoi Circle from the bridge over the channel

Budgewoi Circle from the bridge over the channel

It seemed the best way to carry the framed drawings on the mobility scooter was to wrap them in one of the big, cloth, photographic backdrops and tie them in place with a bit of rope. The middle of the three drawings was put into cardboard corner pieces so the alloy of the frames didn’t meet and scratch. The bundle was not too unwieldy to place on the foot board of the scooter and as I can only use one hand to steer anyway it was not too uncomfortable.

The ribs are very painful today. I have had a lot of damage to ribs over the years doing everything from falling off cliffs to falling off motorbikes and martial arts and so on. The way this set of damaged skeletal parts is playing really puts me in mind of a possible cracked sternum. (I put something else back a few posts but I mixed the terms up.) I heard a huge crack sound when it happened and it hurts in the middle when I put pressure from the side. The trip over the channel to get the pictures delivered was very uncomfortable.

That should have been it. I covered as many angles as I could and apart from being a bit later than expected because of the tribunal everything went well. Did you forget this is hell? I did. The guy on whose wall they were to hang has had only a few unsolicited days off in many years. His business sits closed. The lights off and doors locked with no sign to explain his absence. So we rode the painful trip home nursing the precious cargo from bumps and scratches while the body released many an unsolicited grunt and groan as this or that bump pulled at the rib-cage!

By the evening a number of things had gone badly and with the constant gnawing of discomfort in my chest I was emotionally feeling very ragged. Sometimes food therapy helps with that. My favourite is beef chow mien from the Silver Moon Chinese restaurant at Budgewoi. At 7:30 I headed up the street to order the meal. When I got to the restaurant there was a sign on the door. The Silver Moon is closed until some time around the twentieth of March! Sigh.

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