Ride to Toukley

Quick doodle. Caricature of Edwin Easydorchik. University lecturer in Fine Art. 1997. It doesn't look a lot like him

Quick doodle. Caricature of Edwin Easydorchik. University lecturer in Fine Art. 1997. It doesn't look a lot like him

The trip to pick up the framed drawings was not too bad. My heart seems to work without a hitch AFTER the morning medications and coffee so I didn’t die. Although my neck hurts my head didn’t fall off. I ride with my body relaxed and slightly curved so the shock of bumps is not taken so much by the skeleton but by the musculature. I suspect if I had not developed that riding style using the scooter would be almost impossible by now.

The drawings were not ready which disappointed me immensely. I did not share my disappointment but from the look on the girl’s face I was not entirely successful at hiding it.

It was sunny with fluffy clouds all over the place and I thought I might overcome a lot of disappointment by doing something. The library was open so I grabbed a few books. Then I went to a little out door cafe and ordered an egg and bacon roll and a cold drink. I sat with mouth ready for some really nice food and opened my book and sat back happily

The way home was a little uncomfortable. One thing I didn’t expect is that bumping over the gravel humps in walking trails on little wheels loosens everything in your body that is not permanently attached. About halfway home, after weeks of being difficult, my bowels decided they needed attention. Actually, hurray, That was fine when I got home. (Sorry that is what is known as old man talk)

In one cutting through the bush there were hundreds of tiny finches or wrens swirling through the leaves as I got close. Magnificent! I did not think I would see that around here again. All the wet weather and green growth has brought them back.

A big red-bellied black snake was asleep half on and half off the track through the swamp by the golf course. I had just passed a whole family on bicycles and I wondered how they got past him without running over his tail. They certainly had not noticed him. People forget that we live in a place where such things are likely to be lurking.I stopped another rider just as he was about to run it over and moved it off the track. We both stood and watched it for a while as it flowed into the swampy peaty brown water amongst the grass stems by the concrete path.

Further up, behind the dunes and past the surf-club, the track is isolated in thick low brush. There were little jenny wrens. I find these delicate little birds entrancing. Normally they are gone as soon as someone appears in the distance but they ignored me and I snuck quite close on the quiet electric scooter. I watched them for several minutes and then moved on a little further to see the very pretty blue and black males also ignore me to dance and flit about the track and nearby branches. I sat for a while and enjoyed their antics before finishing the trip home.

So although that really hurt and the drawings were not ready and my meal was messed up by nappy-mash middle of the road music I had a nice ride and I am pretty happy to be alive!

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