
Coloured ball-point pen doodle

Coloured ball-point pen doodle

In the mail there is a termination notice from Ray White Budgewoi. Another one! This one is based on end of periodic agreement. No grounds. August 1st is the date of closure.

There is a letter from the Tribunal. Applicant Dennis and Catherine Mentis. On 30-April-2012 the following orders were made. The application is withdrawn under 28(5)(h) of the Consumer, Trader and Tenancy Tribunal act 2001. That will be the one where they ask for permission to boot me out into the street poste haste or immediately!

There is another letter from the Consumer, Trader and Tenancy Tribunal. Application to the Tribunal etcetera…. The following orders are made: The hearing was adjourned until a date to be fixed…..

The applicant shall provide the respondent and the tribunal, a copy of all documents on which the applicant intends to rely at the hearing including witness statements by 14 May 2012.

The respondent shall provide the applicant etcetera etcetera. by 28-May-2012

All these date to meet along with court on the 30th, doctors appointments including the heart surgeon and a meeting with the legal aid solicitor on the 18th. I may have to cancel the heart surgeon for a few months. I am down to existing on jam sandwiches much of the time and diabetes does not treat one kindly when they do not eat properly!

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