Estate agents and Tiger Quolls

Ink and brush doodle

Ink and brush doodle

A story on ABC radio this morning tells of some compulsive poop picker uppers who picked up a poop left in front of a building in the Otway Mountains by a small creature and bagged it. Later they realises the critter was not a possum so they went back to the bin with the bag and have discovered that the poop was Tiger Quoll poop so we now have proof that such things are not extinct in that area. These are amazing little creatures and I get a warm glow knowing they are out there still.

The estate agents seem to be getting a little strange. The apartment I live in is overlooked by the lawn bowls greens directly across the road. I was passing there on my little mobility aid scooter when a guy pulls me over to tell me that there had been some unusual activity in the front of the apartment. Two big guys in suits were seen to approach the front door. One witness tells me they attempted to open the door another says they did not see that. All witnesses saw these guys get enraged and start knocking on the wall “as though they were trying to knock it down”. The noise was loud enough to get a neighbour fearing for my safety and contemplating calling for the police. They were said to have left soon after that and one person thinks it may be that they left when they realised they were being overseen by so many witnesses.

My neighbour says she was concerned about me until I went past on the scooter and had obviously not been in the house when all this went on. Someone claimed to have recognised at least one guy as a possible associate of Wendy McLeod the estate agent. The descriptions are quite good. We watch each other’s backs in this street. I cannot even begin to think why they would turn up at my place. Am I supposed to call the police over this sort of thing?

The battle with the estate agent has used up all my cash this week. I have a week to go until pay day and there is not much left in the pantry and there are dozens of pages left to print out for the Tenancy Tribunal.The thing to do today will be to cook up a few pots of rice and put them in the fridge so I can throw left overs in and make fried rice for the week. Boring!

The guy who supplied the footage I am using on the assault case was concerned I would go and put the whole thing on YouTube. I am a little offended by that. It is evidence in a court case and I suspect it will be useless once it is fed onto public internet sites. If he wishes he can put it on after the case and get all the appropriate kudos for having the good sense to nail it. I am still tired right down to my bones but there has to be some effort put into getting that footage ready fro the solicitor

I remember why I was working these particular doodles the way I was. I was using two colours plus black and white to see how it affected the motion and emotion in the image. A splash here and slash there make a drawing totally different. Fish head guy in the post below and metallic guy on this post illustrate that quite well. I had almost forgotten what I was up to!

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