
Battle Spider with saddle

Battle Spider with saddle

A support worker took me all the way over to Kanwal Radiology and Nuclear Medicine Centre for some ultra-sound scans on my neck. I forgot the bloody referral didn’t I! The staff and the technician were really great about about helping us. We drove all the way back home but the technician had lunch early so there would still be a slot when I arrived with the paperwork. I think that is nice!

The morning was spent on the phone to the Tribunal. The next big thing is to go and get legal advice from the legal support centre (I think that is the name) I called in a favour and had some investigations done but none of that is back yet.

Some of the memory cards for the mini-cams have finally turned up. The instructions were translated from the Chinese by aliens I think. I will work it out without instructions. I am not a hundred percent certain these little things are much good yet. Time will tell.

Letters of support are flooding in. I cannot tell all my friends how much I appreciate your support. With all the illness and stuff this has been grim at times.

I have to get up the bank and get some money moving about to different places and get some people paid but I am so tired. The whole face tingling thing is happening again and I am becoming prone to bouts of confusion far more often! My new t-shirts arrived. I wrote about them some entries back. Zazzle did a great job on the prints and I like the American ‘Hanes’ brand.

Pampered myself with some Pickled Onion style Mersey Valley cheese. My mouth waters just writing about it.

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