Legal stuff as it stands

ink doodle, sable brush

ink doodle, sable brush

Ray White Budgewoi had an application before the Consumer Trader and Tenancy Tribunal to have me evicted immediately back in March and again in April if I remember correctly. They dropped that application during a hearing back at the end of April. They have suggested the application was dropped as a kindness to me. There is no more laughable suggestion. When the application was made it was made under their suggestion that I was a threat and danger. The Tribunal seems to have recognised that although I am big I am too ill and handicapped to be the danger the Ray White guys suggested I was. The Tribunal adjourned the hearing to see what happened in the interim. No violence occurred and no threat of violence was made. At the last moment, and certain of defeat, Wendy Mcleod of Ray White dropped the action.

I have an application to see the termination of my residence and the order to move by the 30th May as a retaliation to my stand for my rights on chemical exposure and the photography of my personal goods. There is plenty of evidence and I have the story in posts further back.

During the last Tribunal hearing Ray White were given the idea that their termination would probably be seen as retaliatory when the case came back to a hearing in June. They were also informed that if they made another termination order some time in the future of that day it would be difficult for me to link it to the retaliatory behaviour and they could evict me in peace. On returning to their office they dropped the termination I was fighting and generated another termination demanding I leave by August 1st. They then made an order demanding I give them access to the house for a “regular Inspection” although it was not regular. In the regular inspection they check both apartments at the same time and they didn’t. The inspections are normally held six months apart and this one was months early. They also generated a thing called a Notice of Breach claiming that I was running a business from the property without permission. All this was simple and plain harassment!

With my health declining to the point of spending time in emergency wards in hospital and many visits to specialists coming up I have asked for an extension of the time to provide evidence to the participants of the hearings. Evidence due on the 14th of this month but a deadline which I could not possible meet especially with the changing status of the Ray White stance. Ray White sent me a letter claiming they had dropped the eviction as well as the Notice of Breach and suggesting they had done it out of concern for my health. They did not inform the Tribunal that they had dropped the eviction notice thus leaving open the door to go back to the Tribunal and claim a win if I believed their letter and did no more on that case.

Today I can sit on my butt. The video footage is done and the files are all printed and saved. We backed up the computer and all the server based files last night. I feel really sick so I might sleep for the morning. Oh yeah, my t-shirt arrived. Yay.

More mail and email and phone calls came with appointments for more tests. Everyone is seeing me fairly quickly although I wish it was while all that soft-tissue damage was still causing me grief.

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