Filters and Mulberries

The old, and the new, filters

The old, and the new, filters

Today is another laid back day. It has been a matter of slowly working my way through the simple chores that have built up during all the hard slog preparing paperwork and evidence for court and the Tribunal.

A few weeks ago the deep pain in the joints seemed to be slipping back into my life. The last time that happened was about the same time as the water supply was changed from the filthy tap-water to the big filtered system from Southern Cross Pottery. I suspected the tap-water ws one of the things making me ill because it had such a strong taste and smell and ran through old pipes. My life did change after the filtered water was introduced but there were other changes at the time as well such as new medications and heart stints. A new filter arrived in the mail this morning and if looks are any indication the old one was well on its way to needing a replacement.

The scooter and I went around the lake shore for a short distance and enjoyed the chill air and sunshine under the huge paper bark trees behind the homes there. One of the Mulberry bushes by the road had set some long straight vertical branches so I cut them off and created about a dozen new cuttings and set them in water. It may be early to put them out. If they shoot I will pot them up for the charity sale the women who run the Halkulani Library have in October. Later I will add one or two Bougainvillea and possibly some succulents if I can get around to potting those up.

Mulberry Cuttings in water

Mulberry Cuttings in water

This week I grabbed a lottery ticket. It is only the second time in many years but what the he’ I might get out of the hands of those real estate agents and landlords if I can win one. Then I can set up and know I will not lose everything as soon as I get started.

Mum’s birthday is on the 28th so I grabbed a card for her. She is a little disappointed she hasn’t heard from my brother and I am annoyed that she has mucked up the settings on her Skype again and she cannot use it again!

Some of the websites have needed work for a while and the first one was fixed up today. I will try and get through them a little at a time as it takes a lot of energy to build a site and then I forget how to do the things I need to do to maintain them and have to learn all over again. memory problems are a bitch! Today was a simple change to the software on the site running images of my brother Rob’s old 1952 350cc AJs. I just keep the images omline to remember that my brothers and I shared a love of motorbikes and to share with other enthusiasts. It is just a few images.

I used Zen Photo to hold the images. Although this software is rich with features and can run a site with thousands of images and files it is also quick to set up and easy and looks great with the few images I decided to use. Actually it looks quite elegant.

It aint much but it is here.

That has been a big day for me and my body feels heavy so I guess I will head off and sleep again

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