
There was some advice handed to me tonight about the blog. Considering the source I appreciate their effort very much but I have to say something about all this.

The journal, as I prefer to call it, is all there is for me most of the time. I live here alone and most of the time am not well enough to get about or face socialising. The blog serves the purpose of being my outlet for all the pain and depression and the constant spiral of thought that we all have but most pass on to their social contacts. The stuff that concerns people has been the result of me begging for someone to see what is happening. I just need to know that as this horror unfolds more and more I am in the light and not being destroyed without comment or secretly. I do my absolute best to remain within the bounds of legality and decorum although I am certain that at times I must be on the borderline. All the stress!

I must say that there are many Police and others like firemen who are among the shining lights of our community. Aren’t there? There are, without argument,  members of those services I hold in high regard. Immense regard really. There can be no easy way to hang onto integrity in the face of the pain and loss and craziness those people see all the time. I love you for it, (in a big guy huggin’ way) and we are there for you if are bent or broken in the face of that if we are at all able to be.

Among the things that came up yesterday was a very black moment for them. It was hinted that I should avoid getting in trouble. The hint as I saw it suggested that the first responders objected to my reporting on the two dishonest firemen who are the centre of all of this and who underpin the agent’s ability to keep destroying my peace and my life. The hint went towards a time, already occurring, when first responder might not turn up for me in an accident or might intentionally slow their response. That means that they are causing a situation where a handicapped and ill person will be allowed to die or suffer because they told the story of corrupt firemen who were destroying their lives. I will bet, if you watch a lot of Police shows on telly, you would expect them to race to check the veracity of their companions position with a little more accuracy. The crippled guy spent the night in hospital for crying out loud. The agents who made the assault happen are now making their third attempt to get their stories correct and on the record so they can win the case. Three shots at a statement that they can pass off as true in court. I will bet you didn’t see that on Days or our bleary Lives. They are doing everything in their power to destroy or damage the crippled guy so he cannot get to court and they can relax.

So when the guy suggests I may have a problem with getting first responders to come to my aid or to do their jobs I gotta laugh. RIGHT!

It seems self serving but I am so ill. Without all the harassment my daily life would still be difficult and barely tolerable much of the time. Some parts of the journal will become  password protected and regulars given the key.

This Journal is not an attempt to harass anyone. Ray White, for instance, would not be in here if they were not in my life. This is just a report on the things affecting my life. Some of things include people trying to destroy me. If they were not in my life they would not be blogged by me. Fair nuff I say! Police will bust me and place my head on a list for forgetting to use my blinker. That is a fair benchmark. If I find I am a little crazy this morning I will have to take the post down by this afternoon but that will not make the corruption go away as good people aid it on its journey!

Anyway. Thank you for the advice. It means a lot that someone thought to do that.

The second blog, still on the way, all this has kept me busy

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