
I am shocked. The estate agents have begun to try and get past me by contacting my community carers. I am not sure when I was supposed to have signed over all of my rights but I must have been asleep. I sent Ray White Budgewoi an email suggesting that they contact me only. It […]

New Blog

The Tribunal has asked that we play nice and for me to take anything derogatory off the site. I have agreed to that of course. This is a serious journal. It will be nice to be nice. Besides I have a thing for Wendy. It is time to move over to the new blog. I […]


Good Morning Australia. Oh enemy of mine! Fat verminous toads of despair sustained by a golden land that should have been filled with hope and charity. Rape the land and rip the people. Suck the swill from your bristles and hide behind your office. Pain. My legs are just pain today and my whole soul […]

Images and exhaustion

Tired now. Packing hurts. The part of the sites dedicated to showing a few of the body of works has been extended to a section on Grim City. I put them here It has been a terrible day in many ways. The worst thing has telling people how badly we have been betrayed. Watching them […]

First efforts

There have been a couple of possible new addresses I could try. I am not sure I can stretch the budget though. A couple of applications are in there and the people are aware of the situation. One woman says she has already contacted Ray White for a reference about me. Wow people move fast! […]

The Tenant

I have started and stopped three posts in this section so far tonight. I am too tired and ill to really get my teeth into the things I want to cover but I am burning to make a record of what I believe I have seen and the very devastating holes in the net of […]