So, Tribunal day.

We arrived outside the Tribunal building in the community worker’s car a few minutes before the case was due to be heard. . I took what paperwork I could carry as well as my little blue netbook. The people I know from Budgewoi who were there for the same three cases I was were sitting […]

What a goose!

For a hairy lump of a man I am such a goose. It all happened at once today. The snail mail came in alongside the emails. Among the trash were letters and references from my friends and companions in life. They have kept me in their hearts and offer to take me into their homes. […]

Oh crap!

This is what happens when you push someone until they crash. The big crash this afternoon left me in bed from 3pm but there have been constant ideas forming about the ways to get through all the evidence so I cannot sleep and am up and down every half hour or so. All of last […]


Crashing I guess. frozen through and nothing warms me. Feels like a bad flu and I was almost unable to get the wireless dongle onto the usb, bed, bed, bed with a hot water bottle. I think all the emotion has become a physical reaction. Oh that’s awful. no more typing

New day

Wow, I just opened up a screen on a game on the computer and when I looked again it had downloaded a whole patch file. How long does that take, ten minutes, half an hour. I am not tired so much as scoured like the inside of my carcass has been scrubbed with a wire […]


There was some advice handed to me tonight about the blog. Considering the source I appreciate their effort very much but I have to say something about all this. The journal, as I prefer to call it, is all there is for me most of the time. I live here alone and most of the […]