Backyard Spiders. Budgewoi to Bateau Bay.

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This site was built with assistance from the following sites and people. We recommend them for further information and identification and thank their builders and owners for the excellent resources they have provided.

Dr. Ron Atkinson's. Find A Spider Guide. Robert Whyte and Dr. Greg Anderson's The Chew Brothers' Brisbane Insects.  

Ed Nieuwenhueys. Spiders of Australia. as well as Project Noah.


Quick guide to common spiders

common grey with hatchlings

Common House Spider. Parasteatoda tepidariorum (American House Spider.Achaearanea tepidariorum)

This spider can be found under objects and among rocks. In this case it was a female with eggs under an old sheet of roofing metal that had been undisturbed for several years in an overgrown back yard.


It is a fragile and timid spider that is known to use a tangled web. The body is about half the size of a dried pea in adult females.


The species of the spider in the image has changed. It was first entered here as Achaearanea tepidariorum. Thanks to Ron Atkinson for the identification. The science around identifying small creatures in Australia is in constant change  Recent web surfing shows the genus to have been changed to the one you see now (2013) Just to show how much things change Mark Ridgeway who is a contributor to Project Noah made me aware of this spider being proven to be The American House Spider. Notes on genetic tests about that here

 female common grey

 common grey female