Legal Aid

I cannot find the url. I didnt take it

I cannot find the url. I didn’t take it

This is Thursday pt. 2. Now that I have realised it was Thursday.

The call to Legal Aid Grants Section was answered quickly. Only people who have had a grant or have a grant need to call the number so they are not as heavily trafficked as the other numbers. Legal Aid is one government department out of several I have come across that move people and get things done with near ferocious speed. I am having trouble remembering anything about this conversation although I wrote it down the notes just do not have meaning and I still seem to be in the fog that has been frustrating me for the last week or so.

I told the person on the other end of the phone that I had a grant and had been forced to drop my solicitor and go to court where they insisted on continuing despite the fact that that I was not represented. I told her how the magistrate had played with me and got great pleasure out of reminding me he knew things I didn’t and finally refused to see any of my evidence including the medical evidence of disability and brain injury. She was a quiet and thoughtful phone answering person and I suspect I had arrived a little further up the chain than I was the other day. Well, plus the other day was a Monday. Not everybody is good on a Monday. She read the file for a while apologising a couple of times for being silent so long. I appreciated her taking the time. She put me onto a person who was much higher up the food chain. I suspect that person had read some of the file already. She spoke private school English and for some reason I had the feeling this was a woman who knew how to choose a subtle perfume. Irrelevant isn’t it?

After she had let me en-capsule the problem and read a little she asked me what I wanted to do. I hate that question. I wanted to cut off the head of the lawyers and kick the backsides of the greedy and malevolent estate agents while making billboards with the face of the crooked cops but I figured none of that was going to happen so I asked what was available. She said I could make a complaint and she said it in a way that told me there was some hidden peril in that course. Now this is getting as close to the best legal advice I have had in two years and being an uneducated bum I have no idea what she was hiding in her tone. Then she asked if I would like assistance in the court. You know, to be represented. Sigh. I have trekked repeatedly back and forth to their office and the court for meetings. I have sent dozens of emails and done everything short of physically wrestling with private lawyers trying to get one to represent me honestly and she asks me that. Yes I said.

“You will have to ask me formally to help you.” she said. “Send an email.” I think about then I threw her a loop.

“Can I please have a government or Legal Aid lawyer rather than a private one? I have shell shock from all of the things private lawyers have done to me.” I said. There was silence. I think she may not have been asked to supply a Legal Aid lawyer instead of a private lawyer very often and with all the crooked forces arrayed against me I had just thrown her a hot potato of the worst kind. She would call me back later in the day. I warned her about the horrid answering machine I had on the line. She didn’t call me back that day. Nor did she call me back yesterday which I now understand to be Friday. I had started calling around thinking it was early in the week and there was time to get a few things resolved. Nothing is resolved although I do not expect any paper from David the Lawyer anyway. I sent legal aid an email.

It is cold tonight and I have just realised how bad this winter will be. I cannot close the house up because of all the chemicals in here. They are affecting me with the doors and windows open. I do not have a bed and couches are far from warm and snugly places for broken bodies. The research for Project Noah is almost halted. I have to get to work writing the story of this debacle and I need to get more notes of things like Thursday.

One of my images has gone onto the Butterfly House site which is a bit of an honour.

The fog. I spent all night getting up to take meds and making sandwiches instead when I forgot why I was in the kitchen. I opened the machine a lot of times to go online and get some stuff from ebay, read the mail again and again and shut down without actually doing anything. I forgot what day it was and could not get well enough to open the door to someone knocking. I am having trouble following the stories in the library books. Not a good way to be when I am able to depend on so few people and the peril is so real

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